Spring 2025 Textbook Notes

January 18, 2025

Books for your Spring 2025 classes are available now in the bookshop.  As of January 18, most all books are in stock, on our shelves.  You're welcome to come in and get books yourself, or you order on this website, and we'll gather and pack your books for pickup.  Click here to go straight to our textrbook lookup system.  A few titles are still on the way and are expected soon.  If you don't see your book on our shelves, don't panic!  Order here on our site, and we'll let you know when your book arrives.

The return deadline for Spring 2025 textbooks is Friday, January 31.  All text sales are final after this date.

You can check current stock status on this website. The site is updated throughout the day, but it sometimes takes a day or so for us to catch up.  In other words, books will hit the shelves before the site reflects what we've just unpacked, so we encourage you to stop in and check in person.

For anything that's "Expected in 2 to 4 days," you can always place an order on our site.  We'll fill your order as soon as we receive the shipment and notify you that your book is ready for pickup.  This is the fastest way to secure your copy of a book that's on its way back in.

Enrollments change and plans change, so it's inevitable that we will be out of some books, especially in the first week or two of classes.  We routinely restock textbooks through spring break in March.  We will automatically get the book you need as swiftly as possible.  After spring break, we re-order by request.

About that "Expected in 2 to 4 days."  That's an average, and we are only counting business days.  Books sometimes take a little longer than expected, and since the pandemic processing and shipping times have definiely lengthened.  Timelines have been especially long for books that are "print on demand."  Please be patient!

Digital texts ordered through bookshop.brynmawr.edu are delivered by email.  These emails are usually generated automatically within 15 minutes or so of your order.  If you don't receive a message, please contact us at bookshop@brynmawr.edu and we will check on your order as soon as possible.  Please use your brynmawr.edu, haverford.edu or swarthmore.edu address for digital text orders; orders to other addresses (gmail, yahoo, etc) are held for manual verification before they are completed, so you will experience delays.

Taking a class at Haverford, Swarthmore or elsewhere?  Please visit the bookshops on those campuses to find your books.  We do not stock books for classes on other campuses.  Note that Haverford does not have books in its bookshop; instead there's an online store: haverford.ecampus.com.

Spring book buyback will begin on Monday, May 5, and conclude on Saturday, May 17.  We are unable to buy back books outside of these dates.  You are not obligated to sell back books at the end of the semester!  The books you buy here are yours.  Buyback is optional, and offered only for your convenience for those books that you no longer want.  We'll have more to say about buyback in a separate post later this semester.

For more general info about texts at your BMC Bookshop, please visit this page: bookshop.brynmawr.edu/info-students.

Please let us know if you have any additional questions.  Find us in the store or contact us by email at bookshop@brynmawr.edu.

Thank you!