How to read textbook lists

August 17, 2020

Your BMC Bookshop provides complete listings of all books and course materials that faculty have requested for your courses.  The lists are available on this website at starting four to six weeks before the start of each semester, and they are continuously updated as we receive new information.

Listings are organized by department, course and section.  Just click at each level and drill down to your section.

Once you reach your section, you'll see something that looks like this:

This example is from EMLY B001-012 (Fall 2020).  You see that there are five required books for this class.  Next to each title, we show the ISBN, the 13-digit nubmer starting with 978, for the exact edition that the professor asked us to stock.  If you're comparison shopping, please always shop by ISBN and not by title.

We show new and used prices for each of these five titles and for most all books.  This site also shows stock status.  Out of stock choices are greyed out.  (We try to stock as many inexpensive used copies as possible, but we can't ever find enough of all titles.)  If you see a zero in the price, that does not mean it's free, it means that option was not available.  Our system lets you purchase books in the store that are expected to arrive shortly.  We'll fill orders as swiftly as possible.

New this year is the notation "Available in Tripod" for titles that you can access digitally through BMC's libraries.  We offer the option of purchasing a copy for yourself, but you won't need to buy this book in order to keep up with assigned readings from these titles.

Also new this year, we are showing ebook options that you can purchase directly from our store.  We work with two ebook aggregators, Redshelf and VitalSource.  Each offers simple access to digital texts that match up with the print books your professors.  For this class, you can read Frankenstein and Romeo and Juliet on paper or on screen.  It's your choice!  Soon after you complete your transaction, you'll receive emails with instructions about how to start reading your text.  (Most messages arrive within minutes, but sometimes take as much as a few hours.)

If you have any questions about text listings or anything else about your required course materials, please contact us by email at  We're here to help!