
Welcome to your BMC Bookshop's Textbook department!

Go directly to: Textbook Lookup

We are here to make the process of finding and purchasing books -- and other required course materials -- as simple as possible.  We believe that this community's book needs are best served by a store that is owned and operated by the college itself: we answer only to you.

More importantly, we also believe that a roomful of books is a meaningful thing.  There are few more intimate things you can know about someone than what they read and what’s on their shelves.  A college is no different.  Our text shelves are an expression of our institutional identity, curated by faculty and scrutinized by students, parents, alums, visitors and everyone else in the community. We look at books not just for utilitarian purposes, but also for recognition, reassurance, affirmation and identity.  We invite you to visit our shelves and see who we are.

Click through for more details:    For Students            For Faculty

Go directly to: Textbook Lookup